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Joan Carstens, Olympia Sports Acupuncture


Are you interested in feeling great?

Come join the providers at Sound Wellness for an open house. We represent a plethora of Wellness knowledge and skills. This is a free event to showcase the different modalities that benefit your health and well-being. Appetizers, raffles and mini-sessions will be offered.

Meet Holly, an expert cranio-sacral reflexologist. Cranio-sacral reflexology increases comfort and sleep among many other benefits. It is a relaxing way to bring healing to your body and spirit. Hear her singing bowls!

Eika works to empower her clients inside and out. Skin care for the outside led her to nutrition for the inside which led to the emotional web that integrates both. The goal of the soul is to be whole.

Andrea continued her physical therapy education by becoming certified in fascial counter-strain that among many other benefits, increases relaxation, mobility and circulation including the vascular and lymph systems. Pain and inflammation decrease with gentle positioning, compression and tissue glides.

Caroline is passionate about hand and foot care. As a teenager she visited nursing homes painting nails while bringing joy to the residents. She has years of experience washing, massaging and painting nails. Preventing infections is important to her and so she uses stainless steel bowls rather than whirlpools.

UNVEIL YOUR BRILLIANCE with Lynn. She uses energy balancing techniques to deepen self-awareness. These include hands-on, tuning forks and breathing techniques.

See what Joni brings in her treasure chest of East Asian Medicine modalities. Though her focus is musculoskeletal she is able to treat many patterns of disharmony. Try out Qigong and get your acupuncture answers here!

Heather, the intuitive mender, offers an assortment of Reiki treatments, including gemstone Reiki and Reiki for pets. She also does ear candling!

Meet Jess who specializes in organic facials and natural hair removal- sugaring. She is also a birth doula. Doulas are the support person for pregnant mamas. “We empower, love and comfort through the pregnancy, labor and birth process. I also offer Placenta Encapsulation!”

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